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GWLN aims to provide women with the opportunity and resources to make a measurable difference …  in the lives of each other, in the lives of credit union members and in their communities.



Global Women’s Leadership Network (GWLN) was established in 2009 by the World Council of Credit Unions to advance women in leadership in credit unions and financial cooperatives.

Taking a closer lens at diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), with over 5,000 individuals engaged from 90 countries, GWLN is bursting with diverse groups of women from all walks of life, expertise, and professional standing.


GWLN works toward narrowing the inequality gaps for women, growing the pipeline of leaders and engaging with colleagues to address issues that are locally, nationally and globally impacting women. 

By mentoring talent and fostering members' professional development, GWLN supports and develops the leadership potential and career advancing skills needed to drive the global credit union industry.


GWLN members, SheforShe’s and HeforShe’s band together sharing their professional trajectories, evolving journeys and expertise to fortify women’s economic and personal empowerment through credit unions. At the grassroots level where our members live, women remain disproportionately disadvantaged.

Our network is striving to break these barriers! Join us on this journey!
2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
