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Share Your Story: GWLN Testimonials 

GWLN provides a community of GLOBAL credit union leaders dedicated to making a world of difference. 
Listen to our members share their GWLN journeys. 

Leaders Share First Journeys with GWLN

Read about first journeys with GWLN from three leaders.


Why did you join the Network?



“Because no one is successful by themselves. I want to be part of a community that encourages women to be active in their credit union community and work to advance women and minorities into executive positions within the global credit union movement.”

Elise Schexnayder, Manager of Credit Union Solutions and Membership - California & Nevada Credit Union Leagues


“Throughout my travels I have learned that with the exponential growth of technology and social media, the global community is becoming more connected than ever before. Small towns and cities feel the impact - both positive and negative - of actions thousands of miles away. Additionally, with a global network, we have the unique ability to brainstorm innovative ideas which can help solve issues in our own communities.

I joined GWLN to be a credit union advocate, both in our global communities and at home, and to network and learn from strong female leaders. My goal is to continue to develop my professional skills and continue on a path in the credit union industry while making a positive impact for those around me.”

Sarah Hancotte, VP of Strategy - TruWest Credit Union

What does the value of the network bring to your community or organization?


“Seeing the strong woman in life and the men who encouraged them. Growing up in a culture where traditionally men are the head of households and the woman follow suit was difficult. I grew up with a mom who worked as hard as she could to show me that women are STRONG, CAPABLE, SMART, and LOVING... Even if the foundation has some cracks, with community we can rebuild and improve. It was the message that we are all sisters who will cry, learn, and grow together. GWLN to me, speaks on all those things.”

Cristian Flores Tapia, Assistant Branch Manager - Rivermark Community Credit Union.
Oregon, USA

"I am looking forward to being a valuable asset to a community of individuals, working together to support one another.  My goal is to add value to the network through my experience, education and perspective."

-Elizabeth Winninger , CEO, Xtend, Inc. Michigan, USA

"To network and share experience with other women leaders world wide and to interact with other women leaders and staff. I would like to contribute to their empowerment using my experience."

-Triza Magreta, General Manager, Mudi SACCO, Malawi.

Ida Rosette Ocampo Shares GWLN Journey

Learn about the Barangka Credit Cooperative Sister Society from Ida Ocampo.

2022 Bridge the Gender Gap

Listen to Josie Cardona, CEO of Most Holy Rosary Multipurpose Cooperative in the Philippines share her story.