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Women membership campaign

In my Savings and Cedit Cooperative, majority of the members are men. Therefore, we thought of ways of encouraging more women to join the SACCO. We came across a "bring a female member campaign" within the same company member and get a reward of cash paid to anyone who can bring at least ten female members who can contribute about 30 US Dollars collectively. This also extend to male members as well, but our priority is female members. We want to increase our female membership from 30% to 50% of total membership we have currently.
Community Outreach


Paddy Storey

Do you think that it is possible to motivate women to save some money and become members if they could relate it to a longer term goal for their family members?  For example, saving money for their children to access increased educational opportunities?  Perhaps that would speak to that core need they have to support their family, just in a different way?

Lisa, in our region, saving culture in women is not common, however, it has been proved that most women are good savers and when they borrow they repay their loans promptly unlike male. What happens is that whenever a women realise some income, their first thought is to support the family in all areas, and when men see this they relax and use their income on other things of their choice. So looking at this gap, we thought of utilising it by bringing this campaign on board, and it is working. Also I am lobbying that we should have more women in leadership positions. i.e BOD. Most women in our region they feel shy to expose themselves and they look down upon themselves.