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"Feminine Values" are helping tomorrow leaders


Here is a recent article regarding the increase of focus on "feminine values".


Challenges Facing Women in Leadership Positions, Impact of Women in Society


Cheryl Rettschlag

I found it interesting that many of the top competencies of modern leaders listed have been previously viewed as weakness of women.

Catherine Rogers

Think like a Woman???  I fit on neither side of the competencies list in this article.  Being put into a box by sex is scary to me.  I have fought these sterotype situations all my life.  I prefer to be classified as a person.  I am a Board Member period, neither male nor female,I have earned that classification though election by my membership.  Common sense is what I bring to the table.  I do not buy into what the survey says my traits should be to be a good Board Member.  We are an elected Board of 12(six women and six men).  Our 400 and odd staff(lovely people really ,LOL) are unionized.  As to Tudor-jones comment in the article....Babies are not focus killers they are focus builders.  I strive for change and betterment in the World because of my Children and Grandchildren.  Despite the ignorance of people like Tudor-jones.

Lisa Bonin

What a great article, of particular interest was the study of the 10 qualities highly valued in a leader - 8 of which were described as 'feminine' qualities.  These are deemed important across many cultures and nations yet we still haven't reached parity in the boardroom.  I wonder what it will take for the business world to see the benefit of a balanced workforce?