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// paddy.storey@servus.ca

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Cast a Wider Net in Networking

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// paddy.storey@servus.ca

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Paddy Storey

Networking is key to most successes in life, whether it is finding mentors through school and work or finding people who inspire you or meeting and impressing people who might be able to point you in a new direction.  I consciously work on building a network of personal and professional contacts.  This blog pointed something out to me and it made me take a bit of a look at my network and the gender equality or inequality that exists within it.

 I have a number of males in my network that I do touch base with.  However, I find that it is men that I can connect with on a personal level, generally that I add to my "crew".  I tend to be a "counselor" personality type, so if there is something going on in their personal lives, I become a sounding board and our rapport is built from there.  I find it uncomfortable in a group setting sometimes to find that common ground to make that first connection with men that I don't know.  I am not a sports fan, I have no favourite teams, I golf because I enjoy it, not because I am good at or know what my handicap is, etc.  I find that is the core of the majority of conversations I overhear in a group setting and I am not sure how to make those connections.  Because I am unsure of myself on that footing, I just choose not to take part in that opportunity.  So, it's a bit of a self-limiting prophecy, I suppose.  If I can gain a bit of trust in the person and find a common ground like kids sports, hobbies, geography, then I am off and away and comfortable.  Something to add to my personal growth list of things to do and try - add more men to my professional network.

